The Holy Family with Elizabeth and John.
Madonna of the Steps.
Escape unto Egypt.
The Sacrament of Ordination (Christ Presenting the Keys to Saint Peter), Nicolas Poussin, ca 1636-1640.
Jesus Ascending to Heaven.
Old Testament - Queen Esther Before Assuerus. The Venetian colors of Poussin - a French painter in Italy.
"I know that there was a Countess who lived there before the revolution whom the people of the town loved and I know she fled around he same time as Abbé Bigou to Spain. The details are very few and far between during that time. There is a Visigoth Tower which overlooks the town...." - L.C. This picture is from the Castle of Fa which is for sale and falling down, near Esperaza in France. Is this a drawing or a photo?
Isaac Ben Jacob Researches Could be abbot of Ars.
There are many stained glass windows of him.
Revolutionary soldiers hunting Hautpouls - wall mural.
"Marie" picture from the Castle of Fa.
Esperaza is in the center of both maps.
Saint-Maries-de-la-Mer where the statue Santa Sara la Kali is housed - France.
The statue of Saint Sara the Black inside of the church.
Saint-Maries-de-la-Mer church in France.
Painting of Mary Magdalene from Saintes-Marie-de-la-Mer church.
Saint-Maries-de-la-Mer church in Barcelona.
Van Gogh - Arles.
The Three Marys at the Tomb by Monoco Lorenzo 1396.
An example of the dark madonna.
The belfry of the fortified church of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer.
St. Marie Madeleine window - St. Severin church in Paris. "The Apostolic Family of Provence window from St Severin in Paris, taken by my friend Stephen Michael Marcus. That is Lazarus and Martha in the two cameos between Jesus at the apex and the main window." - KMG
Sainte-Marie-de-la-Mer window in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
The cathedral and the marsh grass.
Cathedral interior.
This location is the landing site of two Marys and a dark girl called "Sara" on the Mediterranean coast of France in a boat without oars.
Saintes-Maries, church interior.
Gitan-Sara the dark girl who accompanied the Maries.
The gypsy pilgrimage in honor of Sara.
Gypsy guitar in the waves, musica Gitano.
The beach at Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer.