These cards are in order as numbered on the deck: Le Fou #0 (each has a Hebrew letter as well), La Papessa #2, L` Imperatrice #3 signed 1962, L` Empereur #4 signed legibly "Plantard" 1961, Le Pape #5 1965 with the Hebrew letter that is also drawn on the card in the diagram below.
The diagram by Hans showing the positions of Le Fou (The Fool) and Le Pape (The Pope) at Rennes-le-Bains church (click to enlarge).
L` Imperatrice from the Wirth deck, we finally get to see her with her head and we discover that she is an angel with a halo of stars and that she has wings!
A white eagle on a crest in New Orleans, it is connected to the Lazarists.
"I have a picture of a white eagle with one head in my travels with the research in the Acadians
I found it in New Orleans and its connected to the Lazarists
what you can't see is the arch that is like the arch of the sun in Plantard's book.
It is located in Our Lady of Bon Succor." - Lovuian
Le Pape from the Wirth deck in a cheery red robe.
Are those Hapsburg eagles on the Wirth card shields?
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