"The Extended Holy Family" by Poussin shows his brilliant Venetian colors.
Poussin`s famous "Shepherd`s of Arcadia II" of Rennes-le-Chateau parchments fame. "ET IN ARCADIA EGO" is written on the tomb.
Mt Bugarach in southeastern France.
"TENET" as the central word in the SATOR ROTAS Square. "TENET" was used by Poussin on his personal seal which reads "Tenet Confidentum". "Poussin’s preference ran to the relatively small sized easel painting , executed in the isolation of his studio, which collectors could then purchase. Within the limited expanse of easel painting, the truths Poussin wished to render suffered least from dilution. Poussin went back to Rome because Paris wanted to strip the cornice off his pictorial universe.
Once again he resumed the routine which he was to keep until shortly before his death, on November 19,1665: rising early; walking an hour or two, usually on the Pincio, surrounded by acquaintances who listened attentively to his pronouncements on art...."
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